2023 ICVM Gold Award Movie Pre-Screening Event: “Sight”, True Story by Dr. Ming Wang

2023 ICVM Gold Award Movie Pre-Screening Event: “Sight”, True Story by Dr. Ming Wang



Welcome to the 2023 ICVM Gold Award Movie Pre-Screening Event, where we unveil ‘Sight,’ a transcendent cinematic journey inspired by Dr. Ming Wang’s true story, celebrating human resilience and the art of storytelling.


Welcome esteemed guests and film enthusiasts to the highly anticipated 2023 ICVM Gold Award Movie Pre-Screening Event! Tonight, we gather to embark on an extraordinary cinematic journey as we unveil a remarkable creation that promises to captivate hearts and minds alike.

Under the spotlight is “Sight,” a cinematic masterpiece that transcends the boundaries of storytelling. Adapted from the true story by the acclaimed Dr. Ming Wang, this film promises to take us on an emotional odyssey through the triumph of the human spirit. Prepare to be entranced by the convergence of real-life inspiration and artistic brilliance, as “Sight” delves into the depths of courage, perseverance, and the unwavering pursuit of a brighter future.

As we gather here on this special late afternoon, we honor not only the art of filmmaking but also the profound impact of stories that echo the resilience of the human experience. Join us as we celebrate the synergy of visual storytelling and genuine accounts, a combination that promises an unforgettable and thought-provoking experience. So without further ado, let the curtains rise and the screen come to life, as we venture into the world of “Sight,” a testament to the power of the human will and the beauty of unwavering hope.

欢迎各位嘉宾和电影爱好者参加万众瞩目的2023 ICVM金奖电影预映活动! 我们齐聚一堂,踏上一段非凡的电影之旅,揭晓一部注定会吸引人心的非凡创作。

备受瞩目的是《视线》,这是一部超越讲故事界限的电影杰作。 这部电影改编自广受好评的王明博士的真实故事,有望带领我们踏上一场人类精神胜利的情感之旅。 准备好被现实生活的灵感和艺术才华的融合所着迷吧,因为“视线”深入探讨了勇气、毅力和对更光明未来的坚定追求。

当我们在这个特别的下午聚集在这里时,我们不仅尊重电影制作艺术,也尊重那些反映人类经历的韧性的故事的深远影响。 加入我们,一起庆祝视觉故事讲述和真实叙述的协同作用,这种结合将带来难忘且发人深省的体验。 因此,事不宜迟,让帷幕升起,银幕栩栩如生,让我们冒险进入“视觉”的世界,这证明了人类意志的力量和坚定不移的希望之美。

Attendee Group Photos

Sino-American Finance Association

李先进 主办方代表
Dr. Sean Li, hosting representative

中国科技大学校友基金会 联合主持
USTCAF, Co-host




而这部屡获殊荣的影片还伴随着主题为”East and West”的精彩音乐组曲。这个组曲汇集了第一乐章”East”和第二乐章”West”,最终融合成第三乐章”East AND West”。第一乐章以东方的民乐为主,表达了古老文化的深远内涵,内敛而敏感,勾勒出初恋、困境与奋斗。第二乐章则以西洋音乐为主,充满自由、机遇、乐观与力量,展现了创造、失败与重新崛起的精神。第三乐章则将东方和西方的音乐元素完美地融合在一起,超越前两个乐章,寓意着当东方与西方相互学习、取长补短、寻找共通之处时,我们的生活将变得更加美好。这正是我们共同的人性所在!


Keynote Speakers Highlights




Our Co-host

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2019 联合论坛 VisionCast 2020

2019 SAFA & LAFAA Forum

VisionCast 2020 – protecting us from crossfire and securing wealth for an unpredictable future.


VisionCast 2020 strives to lead the audience through an inspiring discussion about what to expect beyond the trade war. Will a finance war be the next? How will we know if a “deal” is coming? Will we be able to continue our career as the technology competition intensifies? The forum provides the audience a chance to discuss with panelists and learn how to avoid getting hurt in the middle of the crossfire. In addition, audience can also learn the newest techniques to optimize financial returns, reduce risk exposure and preserve wealth under this trade war.

贸易战的持续升温所带来的影响将会波及到我们周围的每一个人。此次论坛致力于通过热烈的,鼓舞人心的讨论来激发观众们的灵感。贸易战越打越激烈,事态将如何演变?金融战将会是下一阶段的“暴风雨”吗? 所谓的“解决方案”将怎样达成?我们的联合论坛希望为观众们提供与座谈嘉宾深刻探讨的机会,并学习如何在两国政府间的贸易之争中避免受伤。与此同时,您还可以通过这次联合论坛学习到优化投资回报,降低风险并在贸易战中保护财富的最新方法和一手资源。

All photo credit:Jack Liu

Attendee Group Photo

Wuhan University Alumni Association

李先进 & 皮晓青 主办方代表
Dr. Sean Li & Dr. Xiaoqing Pi, hosting representatives

Zola Zhou & Dane 论坛主持
Forum Hosting MC

Keynote Speakers Highlights



Dr. Xiaoqing (Jack) Pi, senior researcher at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has been a principal investigator and task manager of a variety of NASA, DoD, FAA, and NOAA’s R&D projects. He is also an honorary president of the Wuhan University Alumni Association – Southern California.

Joseph Kung

毕业于UC Davis,电子工程及计算机工程背景,如今是梦想成真基金会的会长及两家公司的负责人。他从事金融教育管理行业24年,教导过的学生超过三万人。他有保险,投资,物业管理,房地产开发投资,创业投资,税务策略,及财务管理教育的经验。


Joseph Kung, who graduated from UC Davis with a computer science engineering background, is now the CEO of the Dream Come True Foundation. He has been in the financial education industry for 24 years and tutored more than 30,000 students. His expertise includes insurance, investment, property management, real estate investment, entrepreneurship, audit, financial management.



优励通创始人(左一),在北美从事物流行业至今17年。其电脑硕士, 8 年IT及甲骨文(Oracle)数据库工程师,以及在美国著名影视华納兄弟影业公司任职会计的经验,为她在和客户沟通,为客户量身打造物流的工作提供了不可多得的帮助。她专精汽车、飞机、大型车辆及设备的运输其客户源包括COSTCO,Walmart,GM, Ford,山姆 ,Target, 亚马逊等美国著名商家。


Ling Niu, CEO of Unid Ocean Transport Inc., has been working in the transportation industry for 17 years. As an eight-year Oracle DBA in the IT industry and a great communicator, Niu customizes individual transportation plans for her clients including Costco, Walmart, GM, Ford, Sam’s Club, Target, Amazon, etc. She professionalizes in transporting vehicles, airplanes, large truck equipment.

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Summer Convention 夏季盛典

2017 SAFA Summer Convention

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Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jonathan Reichental, CIO for the City of Palo Alto

Dr. Jonathan Reichental, currently the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the City of Palo Alto, is a multiple award-winning technology leader whose 25-year career has spanned both the private and public sectors. In 2017, he was named one of the top 100 CIOs in the world and in 2016 he was named one of the top 20 most influential CIO’s in the United States. Dr. Reichental is also recognized as a global thought leader on the future of urban innovation. In 2013 he was recognized as one of the 25 doers, dreamers, and drivers in government in America. He also won a best CIO in Silicon Valley award and a national IT leadership prize. His innovative work in government has also been recognized by the White House. Dr. Reichental works with his teams to apply technology innovation in organizations to create new value and to enable work to be more meaningful and fun. He is a popular writer, including recently co-authoring The Apps Challenge Playbook and he is a frequent public speaker on a wide range of technology and business-related topics. He co-hosts the popular podcast, Drinking Wine Talking Tech.

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